It is not just a “management software”: It optimizes corporate procedures in accordance with the “LEAN Organization” guidelines.

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Enterprise Software: ERP Module


Being on the market today means optimizing your processes to achieve significant results: an increase in the amount of information, an increase in individual productivity, an improvement in internal communications and services, as well as the working conditions and the “business climate”, for the full benefit of the quality offered to customers, as well as a significant reduction in work times and operating costs.


Activities related to the market and to customers, whether in the pre-sale phase (Marketing) or in the post-sale phase (service), have always represented a company’s engine for development. The care with which CRM issues are faced, combined with the management of all technical and commercial information related to loyal or potential customers is a fundamental element today that enables a company to compete in markets that are constantly becoming more fluid and dynamic.


Sales activities represent the first moment in which a company’s image is materialised into the mind of the customer, but it is also the first step upon which depends on the efficiency of successive company phases, be they service- or production-oriented. Tools like configurators or web portals represent the first tools with which customer requests are satisfied, but MPS planning, the organization of catalogs and offers, and an appropriate use of statistics, contribute to making coordinated and efficient everything that follows an order confirmation.


Streamlining supplier relationships, maximizing the movement of merchandise, eliminating receiving errors, optimizing stocks and the management of warehouses are the first actions to take to reduce costs and increase the general efficiency of company processes. Traceability, trackability and optimization of transports are the additional tools required to certify one’s own flows and to face the complexity of current markets.


Planning and monitoring production with a 2nd generation ERP system, managing all phases of the production processes automatically, whether internal or outside the company, represents a fundamental element which can reduce global customer response times and reduce financial and logistical costs. In addition, optimization and reduction of inventories rely more on the care with which the organization of production processes is faced since the planning phases.


Today, to differentiate oneself from the competition, two factors are indispensable: innovation and quality; the imagination required to be able to feed the first must be equal to the rigor and determination with which the second has to be pursued. Complete management of product and materials quality control is subject to rigid procedures for acceptance of goods, well-defined testing cycles, a precise and ongoing evaluation of suppliers, and punctual assessment of company resources and skills.


The confidence required to manage a successful company must not disregard both the administrative and financial duties. Speed and precision of accounting processes, security in fulfilling all the fiscal obligations, meticulous control of treasury and all the financial flows, with the possibility to predict future balances for every bank account as well as the customer risk exposure, constitute the basis on which a modern administrative management should lay the foundations.

Business management

To choose the right direction in today’s increasingly dynamic environments, it is necessary to be equipped with a command center in which advanced monitoring tools are present: not only an analytic accounting system able to calculate in real time the margins and profitability by product, but also orders, divisions etc. as well as Business Intelligence, Advanced Statistics and Data Mining so that all job managers can make the best operational and strategic decisions.


Companies must discuss in an increasingly automatic way both with their own production/sales supply chains and with the outside world; the company’s computer system must also be usable by those who work in different countries and speak different languages. The integration of all the new technologies within the ERP system (VOIP, Mail, EDI, XML) allows the achievement of these goals, making the different company processes available to all external representatives: branches, distributors, dealers, technicians, consultants, customers and suppliers.

The Enter ERP solution gives to companies (whether large or SMB) a chance to have complete control of all processes, including management of human resources, production and other fundamental activities of  business.

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